Declan McLaren - PhD Student


I am Declan McLaren, PhD Student at the University of Glasgow.

My research interests fall within the remit of neuropsychology, and include:

  1. Stroke, sleep, and Traumatic Brain Injury
  2. Dementia
  3. Behavioural Interventions for each, including mindfulness based interventions.

I am currently completing a SGSSS funded 1+3 PhD in the University of Glasgow’s Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology. This is a collaborative scholarship with the Stroke Association. Represented in this scholarship by Karen Garrott, Head of Stroke Support for the Stroke Association in Scotland.

Selfie at Glen Nevis - Declan McLaren

Selfie at Glen Nevis - Declan McLaren

I work within the Sleep and Mental Health lab, supervised by Dr Maria Gardani, Dr Satu Baylan, and Professor Jonathan Evans.